Hair Transplant Clinic

Hair Transplant Clinic in Vadodara – A hair transplant is a modern, safe and effective way to look good and get your confidence back. Amidst growing pollution and stress, our body sends distress signals in the form of hair fall. In fact, intake of unhealthy diet and use of chemicals for hair styling also contributes to hair fall. Most of the people in their teenage or adult phase ignore the significance of hair on our body until they go completely bald. Hair Ensure is best Hair Transplant Clinic in Vadodara

Under panic attack, people start looking for home remedies and other forms of solution for hair regrowth on the internet instead of consulting professionals. As a result, by the time they approach a hair surgeon they have already done huge damage to the hair. In such a scenario, hair transplant surgery is the only viable option available to them that helps bring back the confidence of the user as well as their youthful experience.

What Is Hair Transplant surgery?


It is a surgical treatment that aims for hair regrowth by moving hair follicles from one part of the body termed as donor site to the bald area of the body called as recipient site. Depending on the type of baldness, different types of surgery are performed. With the advancement in technology, hair transplant surgery has been a huge success and has helped thousands of people to help regain their hair.

Types of Hair loss

Localized Hair Loss: This type of hair loss is largely the result of scarring and non-scarring diagnosis. For instance, Alopecia Areata signifies the non-scarring form of hair loss while lichen planus, lupus and local radiation are due to scaring diagnosis. In fact, baldness caused by injuries or other medical issues leads to localized hair loss and are curable with hair transplant surgery.

Patterned Hair Loss: This kind of hair loss is common to both men and women, where people experience hair loss step by step and in a definite pattern. However, hair transplant surgery is most effective in women experiencing patterned hair loss.

Diffuse Hair Loss: In female, one of the most common forms of hair loss is diffuse thinning of the scalp i.e. thickness and diameter of hair shaft reduces. Technically termed as “Diffuse Un-Patterned Alopecia”, generally women suffering from this kind of hair loss are not suitable for hair transplant surgery.



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Means of eliminating Hair Grafts for hair transplant surgery

In general, the procedure of hair transplantation involves removal of follicles or grafts from the scalp esp. from the back side of the head to the bald area of the scalp. The back side of the head is more resistant to any hormonal changes and hence deliver more possibilities for hair growth. Basically, there are two ways of removing grafts from scalp i.e. FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUT: In this method, a strip of scalp from the back side of the head is cut out and is sliced up into individual grafts. FUT method has several advantages including covering large bald areas in limited sittings. Also, the resection rate i.e. number of grafts cut down during removal, is comparatively less in this method while delivering superior results.

P.S.: The resection rate largely depends on the proficiency and experience of the surgeon.

FUE: This form of hair transplantation is responsible for storing individual grafts and follicular units one after another taken from the back of the scalp. Here, the grafts are cut down and removed step by step via a small specialized machine. As mentioned, this method is more complicated and boring but takes few hours and is painless. Unlike FUT, this kind of hair transplantation doesn’t involve complete removal of scalp’s strip and doesn’t contribute to stitches and cuts in the head. Moreover, the healing time is less in comparison to FUT and patients are free to return in a day or two.

Both FUT and FUE are great methods for hair transplant surgery but without professionals, the surgery might turn hazardous. Therefore, it is vital to approach experience professionals to understand the risk and benefits of both the procedures. At Hair Ensure, we offer the best surgeons, who can efficiently deal with your hair problem and perform surgery giving you maximum benefits. Try our customer care number today for complete information.




