Specialists usually propose this treatment when hair loss is the result of androgenetic alopecia, a common disease that causes hair follicles to shrink until they disappear. Although platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a relatively new method, it has been shown that it can promote hair growth.

What is platelet-rich plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma is a treatment that consists of extracting the patient’s own blood. Next, the red and white blood cells are separated on the one hand and, on the other, the plasma and platelets that make up the blood, in order to use the growth factors that the latter possess. This is achieved by introducing the blood into a closed system that, by centrifuging it, allows this separation. Then the plasma with the highest proportion of platelets is injected into the scalp to promote the hair growth we are looking for, in a quick and painless process.

To better understand what PRP is and how it works, it is important to know the role that platelets play in our body’s defenses.

Platelets are a component of blood along with red and white blood cells. When a person suffers a cut or injury, platelets clump together and go to the bleed to initiate healing. It has been proven after several investigations that extracting the concentrated platelets and injecting them into damaged areas of the body could accelerate healing.

Thus, PRP contains a series of growth factors and proteins that accelerate tissue repair. Because some types of hair loss are caused by damage to hair follicles, researchers initially hypothesized that PRP might help regrow hair by reversing the process that occurs in androgenetic alopecia. Since then, PRP has become a great method to recover hair growth, since by infiltrating PRP into the scalp for the treatment of alopecia, it is possible to increase the quality of the hair and develop the thickness of the existing one.

In medicine, PRP is also used to treat other types of injuries, such as muscle injuries, or to recover damaged ligaments and tendons in sports.

Platelet rich plasma benefits

7 advantages of doing PRP, without a doubt, PRP is a very interesting option to recover hair health. These are its advantages:

  1. PRP is a very useful treatment to increase the thickness of the hair shaft, especially recommended after a hair transplant, since it favors its growth by shortening the time and making it grow with better quality. But it is also very useful if the sole objective is to take care of hair health, without having undergone a transplant.
  2. Helps promote hair recovery in the postpartum period, a stage in which telogen effluvium is common due to hormonal changes.
  3. It has no side effects and does not cause allergies. This is so because the platelets are from the patient himself, which excludes the possibility of rejection.
  4. PRP is a safe procedure that can be applied to people of any age.
  5. It is useful to regenerate damaged tissues, favoring the creation of new cells. In addition, it stimulates the creation of other compounds such as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
  6. PRP is so beneficial that it is not only used to improve hair health, but also to improve the quality of the skin.
  7. It is a minimally painless technique and without the need for local anesthesia.

When do you start to see the results?

After a month of treatment, you begin to notice that the hair is thickening and that hair density is gaining. But it is especially after the second session when the effects are more visible.

How many sessions are necessary?

The necessary number of PRP sessions will always depend on the patient. That is why the personalized evaluation of each case is important, to determine where to start from and thus know what results can be obtained and how many sessions will be needed. It is essential to assess the degree of alopecia and speed of hair loss to know what level of improvement is possible and define the treatment.

Is it a long-lasting treatment?

Normally, one session is given every 3 months, especially during the first year or after a hair transplant, to speed up recovery and enhance results. From there, it is advisable to carry out one or two annual maintenance sessions once the hair loss is controlled, since the results usually last from 6 to 12 months.

Looking for Hair Loss treatment in Vadodara? Say goodbye to thinning hair and hello to a fuller, healthier head of hair! Our clinic offers state-of-the-art treatments for hair loss, including PRP therapy, low-level laser therapy, and more. Our expert team will work with you to find the right solution for your individual needs. Don’t let hair loss hold you back any longer. Book a consultation today!