The process of hair restoration has seen new techniques emerging. One such potential method is PRP. PRP therapy i.e. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy quite naturally and resourcefully brings back your hair and gives them a natural look. It is equally effective for both women and men.

What is PRP Hair Treatment?

It is a contemporary medical treatment for curing hair thinning and hair loss. This PRP Hair Treatment is non-surgical in nature and aims to give you natural results. It can also be used in combination with hair transplant and restoration surgery.

How does this work?

The plasma in your blood encompasses active growth ingredients that help in hair restoration. The PRP therapy is enriched with proteins responsible for hair growth, which is injected into the scalp via a special micro-needle. As injected, your blood cell gets activated and stimulate your hair growth naturally.

It is an injectable remedy which uses patient’s own blood to restore hair as well as confidence. Also, the possibility of getting any side-effects is minimal as your own blood is used for the treatment. This also reduces the possibilities of developing of tumor or cancer.

An insight into PRP therapy

Introduced in the 1970s for the first time, this therapy has been giving productive results since then. The treatment begins with the collection of blood in the lab, where tests are performed and the blood is cured with a centrifuge in order to isolate RBC i.e. red blood cells from the plasma. The lab tests determine the area where your blood has the highest platelet concentration.

Platelets in our blood are responsible for blood clumping and clotting in times of injury and bleeding. After the plasma is separated from RBC along with platelets, the process of activating platelets begins and the serum is injected into the affected area.

Doctors have been practising this therapy for years to encourage wound healing and restore skin appearance. Lately, researchers have discovered that PRP can also assist and stimulate hair growth. Several research scholar and their articles give confirmation about the potential of PRP therapy for hair growth treatment.

The growth ingredients that are emitted from the triggered platelets can hypothetically stimulate cells in your hair follicle to develop, which is remarkable for hair follicles that are inactive or implanted.

Now when you have understood the process of PRP therapy and if you are in great need of an effective hair solution, it is understandable to raise question about its cost and number of sittings to realize its wonders. At Hair Ensure, we offer PRP Hair treatment in Vadodara based on the pattern of hair loss.

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For greatest results, the patients must remain consistent with the therapy. The sittings involved in this treatments begin with once a month for first three months. Then depending on the patient’s treatment response and recovery, every three to six months thereafter. If this routine is followed perfectly, projected results can be seen within two to three months.


As the therapy involves injecting needles, the chances of getting side-effects are higher. Its autologous nature allows substances to be used for this therapy to come directly from your own body, hence decreasing the risk of allergic reactions. However, injecting needles might cause infection, nerve injuries, pain at the injection site and tissue damage. Therefore, it is imperative to consult your doctor regarding its potential risks.

PRP therapy is currently the most effective method to treat your hair loss. If you are looking forward to a PRP treatment for hair restoration, you can contact Hair Ensure’s customer care service for complete information.

Advantages of PRP Therapy

Due to its simple and non-surgical procedure, PRP Therapy is currently the talk of the town.

  • The procedure takes minimum sittings and is completed within 60 minutes.
  • It is reliable, safe and gives desired results quickly.
  • Furthermore, it has a speedy recovery period making this therapy stress-free and delivering natural-looking results.

Risks Involved In This Therapy 

Since this therapy includes blood and needles, people generally assume that the therapy is risky and might have side-effects. But, in reality, no real risk is associated with it. In fact, patients are not even numbed before needles are injected into them.
